1st Place Ribs- Toots Smokin Coals (Greenville, NC)
1st Place Any- Up in Smoke BBQ (Vass, NC)
July 22, 2023 BBQ Competition & Festival
Location: Wilson Fairgrounds Hours: 10AM - 6PM Admission:$10
We want the festival to be safe and a fun experience for everyone. We hope all of our contestants, vendors, and visitors have a great time. Check the website for updates, as we continue to add during the construction.
!!!! Contestants/Chefs !!!!
Location: 2331 US 301, Wilson, NC, 27893
Categories: Chicken, Ribs, any other meat chef wants to enter.
Cost: $100 per team
Setup Time: 8am – 10am Saturday if you are not remaining on the grounds on Friday. See Rules & Regulations for more details.
Setup Area: All setup materials are the responsibility of the cooking team unless otherwise noted in the Rules & Regulations.
Judging will start at 2pm. After judging sampling will begin by the general public.